Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Raise the Barre on Your Fitness Routine

Ever since I was a child I loved ballet. I even took lessons for a short time. However, I refused to wear the leotard and insisted on a hot pink bathing suit with a picture of a cat instead. I was always a little different. As I grew up, I moved on to other things but the love of dance stuck with me. Now I get to feel like a ballerina again through my new favorite workout, barre class.

Barre classes are a combination of ballet barre, yoga and pilates. This fusion of exercises work together to create the long and leaned dancers body you never thought you could get. After only four months I feel more chiseled and toned than I ever have. Plus it's not only effective, it's also fun! I am excited to go to every class. I feel graceful and beautiful and still break a sweat. That's a pretty sweet deal. You don't have to look like a ballerina to reap the benefits of barre. It's perfect for any body of any size, shape, age or experience level. Just don't be surprised if these exercises keep you on your toes. A dancer has to work hard for that body and so will you.

The exercises are small repeated movements so get ready for leg shaking and wobbly balance  But the more you learn to tuck it in here, the less you will have to suck it in out there The concentration on the core, glutes and lower half might seem tough at first but stick with it. After a few classes you will notice improved flexibility and posture. Before you know it you might even feel like Natalie Portman in Black Swan, or at least Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook. 

Barre is a fun new workout that I absolutely love and highly recommend. Don't be the last to the barre! Find a class in your area and try it out for yourself!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Banish Your Fear of Fitness and Find Your Fit

Nothing beats the feeling you get after a workout. It can lower your stress, calm your anxieties, and boost your endorphins to make you feel amazing. But just a few years ago, the gym was the last place I wanted to be. Exercise was no fun and I could never stick with it long enough to get any benefits. I hadn't quite found my fit. Sometimes, when we think we hate to exercise, what we really dislike is a certain type of exercise. There are a broad spectrum of workouts to choose from, and we just have to get savvy about which one sparks our interest. If I can fall for fitness, so can you. All you need to do is find your fit to discover the amazing benefits of exercise and actually enjoy it! Here are the five simple steps to get you on your way.

1. Channel your childhood

Our interests are often founded in childhood. If you can remember what you enjoyed as a kid, it can guide you to find an exercise you might like now. Take a trip down memory lane. Did you play sports as a child? Did you like to dance? Did you love to play outside or were indoor activities more your style? Think about the things that made you happy as a kid since these interests could be key to what will interest you now.

2. "P" is for Personality

Your personality has a big impact on your workout match. Before you begin take a moment to think about the type of person you are. Do you like to dance would you rather play a sport? Do you love the great outdoors or do you like the consistency of a gym environment? Do you prefer group activities, or flying solo? If you enjoy your alone time, individual activites like walking, running, yoga or pilates may be for you. On the other hand, social butterflies can join a team or take group fitness classes. I personally love taking classes since I like knowing exactly what to do and get motivated by the people around me. What motivates you? If you can pinpoint your personality traits, it will lead you to the right workout.

3. Experiment with new activities

The best way to find out what you like is to experiment! Try it all!  If you prefer the solitude of home when breaking a sweat, try using workout dvds or look for workout lists on Pinterest and other fitness sites and magazines. If you are a nature lover, try running, walking, hiking, jogging or mountain biking. If you thrive on competition, sign up for a sports team in your community. We are living in the age of the Groupon. Take advantage of the discounted health and fitness offers available in your area to try new things without breaking the bank. Expand your horizons and do something different.

4. Give it a chance

Don't give up! It takes a while to get into a new routine and getting comfortable with a new workout wont happen overnight. Make sure you allow yourself adequate time to adjust to something before you decide if it's right for you . You may surprised at what will grow on you when you give it a chance.

5. Have some fun!

You will be more likely to stick to something if it makes you feel good and you actually enjoy it. Make it a point to have fun with fitness instead of seeing it as a chore. The perfect workout is out there waiting for you.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Be Here Now, and Now, and Now

"Now is NOW, Are you going to BE HERE or not?
It's as simple as that."
-Ram Dass

How many moments do we waste when we aren't fully present? Maybe it's something you said earlier that you can't stop obsessing over. Maybe your head is filled with lists of things that need to be done. Whatever the reason, your body is here but your mind is somewhere else. The world is a beautiful place and amazing things are happening at every moment. But when we caught in the pattern of longing for the past or anticipating the future, we miss out on what's going on in the here and now. 

Continuous thoughts not only fill our head with noise pollution, they can also bring us down. How many times have we agonized over something that happened in the past? We waste the newness of this moment by dragging guilt and regret into it from moments before. How many times have we let anxiety about the future consume us so much that we drove ourselves crazy? We can't change the past and we don't know what the future will bring. Why get caught up in thoughts about them? Don't rob yourself of the happiness and peace you were designed to feel, by failing to be present in this very moment.

Changing thought patterns is not easy and it wont happen overnight; but all it takes is practice. You can start by just taking a walk. Don't think about where you are going or what you have to do. Just take one step and then another. Open your eyes. Look around and notice the sights and sounds. Listen to the birds singing or the crickets chirping. Notice how the leaves sway in the breeze or the click of your steps on the pavement. Hear the hum of cars driving by. Occupy the moment fully and let your mind be clear. In this moment everything is fine. In this moment you are at peace. Remember your life is made up of millions of moments just like this one. They are far too precious to miss out on. So today, may you relax your mind, open your heart and be here now. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fruit is Fabulous!

Summer is here! That means it's the perfect time of year to take advantage of the sweetness of the season and load up on fruit. Take a trip to your local farmer's market and you will find juicy peaches, mouth-watering watermelon and super sweet strawberries. So what exactly is it that makes fruit so fabulous? Well for starters, it's colorful, portable, delicious and oh so good for you. It's also jam packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that will boost your metabolism and satisfy your sweet tooth. It doesn't get any better than that. Not to mention, fruit is high in fiber which keeps you full and it breaks down quickly in your system so it's easy to digest. If that doesn't seal the deal, fruit will also make you look radiant and fresh. It's made of mostly water so it hydrates and cleanses. It's also detoxifying so it rids your body of all the funky stuff lurking in your system. Looking to amp up your energy? Fruit is low in fat and rich in carbs, so it will give you the charge you need to power through your workouts and your day.

Contrary to what you may have heard before, fruit will NOT make you fat. In fact, it's a great choice for weight loss. Fruit is made of natural sugar called fructose. This is not the same as sucrose or the high fructose corn syrup commonly found in processed and artificially sweetened foods. Those are the sugars to avoid if you want to feel and look your best . On the other hand, fruit could quite literally be nature's most perfect food. It's skillfully designed to be power packed with benefits. In fact, every fruit has a different super power. There's a fruit for every feeling and every healing. So what are you waiting for? Add more fruit to your diet and be amazed at the benefits.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stars and Fruit Forever!

What's red and blue and sweet all over? These adorably easy fruit skewers! Follow the simple steps below to make these berries the star of your fourth of July party.

First gather your materials. I used: one package of bamboo skewers, a KitchenAid star cookie cutter, one pineapple and one package each of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. This will make about nine skewers. To make more just double the ingredients.

The next step is to cut your pineapple. Cut the top and bottom of the pineapple. Then stand it upright and cut off each side. Once the pineapple skin has been removed, cut it into horizontal slices about one inch thick.

 Once your slices are complete, you can use your cookie cutter. Press down firmly into each slice. Then turn it over and remove the excess fruit around the sides.

Once your stars have been created, set them aside and move on to preparing your strawberries.

Cut the stem off each strawberry. Then cut the strawberry lengthwise and cut each new piece through the center. Make sure your strawberries are around the same size as your raspberries and blueberries to achieve a more visually pleasing effect. 

After your fruit has been cut, the real fun begins! Turn on your favorite music and skewer to your heart's  content. Begin with the pointy end of the skewer and create a pattern with your fruit. I used one blueberry, one raspberry, one strawberry and then repeated the pattern until I covered about three quarters of the skewer. Keep in mind that raspberries can be very fragile. Handle them carefully to ensure they don't fall apart. Also, remember to leave room for your pineapple star. 

Voila! A star is born. Set your skewer to the side and repeat the process to make as many as you desire. I used a clear tray so the fruit would stand out, but anything in the red, white or blue family will work too. That's all there is to it. In no time at all you will have a healthy and festive holiday treat that's sure to be a show stopper.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Crawl Before You Walk

"If you make small goals and accomplish them,
 It gives you the confidence to go on to higher goals,"
-John Johnson

Every journey begins with a step and getting healthier is no exception. It’s a total lifestyle change and that can easily become overwhelming. Not only do you need to become more active and change your eating habits; you also have to alter your attitudes and emotions. In a perfect world you could wake up tomorrow eat nothing but fruits and vegetables, run 12 miles and rock that bikini. But realistically,those changes will take time. Don’t risk setting yourself up for failure by trying to change everything at once.

A better approach is tackling a few small goals each day or one week at a time. For example, make a goal to drink more water each day and focus on that. Then when you start to do this regularly, you can move on to your next goal. Here are a few tips to help you get started :

Be short term and specific. 

Instead of just saying, “I am going to start exercising”, you could say “I am going to walk for thirty minutes every day after dinner.” 

Write it down.

Keep a journal to track your progress. If you're tech savvy,try downloading an app on your phone like “Myfitnesspal” to help you out. 

State the Positive

Turn your goals into positive statements. Rather than saying “I won’t” eat candy ever again you can say "I will" eat a piece of fruit when I am craving something sweet.

Treat yourself!

Find ways to treat yourself when you succeed. You deserve it!

Most importantly, you ARE strong enough to change and every goal you reach will help you to realize this. Sometimes the fear of failing can be scarier than sticking to an unhealthy lifestyle you are used to. But setting and accomplishing goals will equip you with the confidence you need. So allow yourself to be a beginner, and be filled with compassion and patience. Remember, every step, no matter how small, is taking you one step closer to a healthier, happier you. So get excited, get motivated, and get ready to applaud yourself! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Your Body is Your Friend

It is so easy these days to focus on our flaws. For one reason or another you aren't where you would like to be. It's normal to compare ourselves to others, but if we want real change to occur, we have to make friends with our body.  It's time to focus on our positives and make healthy choices not because we hate our bodies but because we love them. Here are a few tips to change your thinking and befriend your body today:

Don't pick yourself apart in front of the mirror. Focus on your strengths.

Maybe you have gorgeous eyes or a beautiful smile or strong legs. Everybody has something going for them, accentuate your positives.

Change your thought pattern, and replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Our actions are inspired by our thoughts, so if your thinking is positive your actions will follow. First notice when negative thoughts occur and become aware of them. Notice how you feel, what type of situation you are in, and what triggers the thoughts. Then, turn the negative thought upside down through rephrasing. Instead of saying "I feel so fat" rephrase your thought to something like "I am proud of my body" or  "I am getting stronger every day."

Discover the root of your body bashing.

Stress and anxiety can turn up in many ways. Ask yourself what is making you insecure. When things are not going well outwardly it is easy to turn that dissatisfaction on ourselves. Find a healthier way to cope that works for you. Exercising daily is a great way to relieve stress and build confidence. Meditation and breathing exercises are also great stress relievers. 

Make changes the healthy way and not through quick fixes that disrespect your body.

You may lose weight if you starve yourself or cut everything out of your diet but quick fixes never last. You only have one body and you need to take care of it. Instead of crash dieting, think of little changes you can make each day to get you closer to a healthier lifestyle. 

Don't let setbacks bring you down.

We are all human and we all make mistakes. Have compassion for yourself and don't beat yourself up if you overindulge. Setbacks are bound to happen and habits aren't easy to change. Just pick yourself up and get right back on track. 

Remember, you are enough just as you are in this moment and every moment. Your body is an amazing thing and deserves to be respected. We all want to be better so let's choose to make changes out of love and not out of hate. Your journey to weight loss will be much less lonely with a friend by your side. Be good to your body and your body will be good to you.