Sunday, July 28, 2013

Banish Your Fear of Fitness and Find Your Fit

Nothing beats the feeling you get after a workout. It can lower your stress, calm your anxieties, and boost your endorphins to make you feel amazing. But just a few years ago, the gym was the last place I wanted to be. Exercise was no fun and I could never stick with it long enough to get any benefits. I hadn't quite found my fit. Sometimes, when we think we hate to exercise, what we really dislike is a certain type of exercise. There are a broad spectrum of workouts to choose from, and we just have to get savvy about which one sparks our interest. If I can fall for fitness, so can you. All you need to do is find your fit to discover the amazing benefits of exercise and actually enjoy it! Here are the five simple steps to get you on your way.

1. Channel your childhood

Our interests are often founded in childhood. If you can remember what you enjoyed as a kid, it can guide you to find an exercise you might like now. Take a trip down memory lane. Did you play sports as a child? Did you like to dance? Did you love to play outside or were indoor activities more your style? Think about the things that made you happy as a kid since these interests could be key to what will interest you now.

2. "P" is for Personality

Your personality has a big impact on your workout match. Before you begin take a moment to think about the type of person you are. Do you like to dance would you rather play a sport? Do you love the great outdoors or do you like the consistency of a gym environment? Do you prefer group activities, or flying solo? If you enjoy your alone time, individual activites like walking, running, yoga or pilates may be for you. On the other hand, social butterflies can join a team or take group fitness classes. I personally love taking classes since I like knowing exactly what to do and get motivated by the people around me. What motivates you? If you can pinpoint your personality traits, it will lead you to the right workout.

3. Experiment with new activities

The best way to find out what you like is to experiment! Try it all!  If you prefer the solitude of home when breaking a sweat, try using workout dvds or look for workout lists on Pinterest and other fitness sites and magazines. If you are a nature lover, try running, walking, hiking, jogging or mountain biking. If you thrive on competition, sign up for a sports team in your community. We are living in the age of the Groupon. Take advantage of the discounted health and fitness offers available in your area to try new things without breaking the bank. Expand your horizons and do something different.

4. Give it a chance

Don't give up! It takes a while to get into a new routine and getting comfortable with a new workout wont happen overnight. Make sure you allow yourself adequate time to adjust to something before you decide if it's right for you . You may surprised at what will grow on you when you give it a chance.

5. Have some fun!

You will be more likely to stick to something if it makes you feel good and you actually enjoy it. Make it a point to have fun with fitness instead of seeing it as a chore. The perfect workout is out there waiting for you.

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