Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fruit is Fabulous!

Summer is here! That means it's the perfect time of year to take advantage of the sweetness of the season and load up on fruit. Take a trip to your local farmer's market and you will find juicy peaches, mouth-watering watermelon and super sweet strawberries. So what exactly is it that makes fruit so fabulous? Well for starters, it's colorful, portable, delicious and oh so good for you. It's also jam packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that will boost your metabolism and satisfy your sweet tooth. It doesn't get any better than that. Not to mention, fruit is high in fiber which keeps you full and it breaks down quickly in your system so it's easy to digest. If that doesn't seal the deal, fruit will also make you look radiant and fresh. It's made of mostly water so it hydrates and cleanses. It's also detoxifying so it rids your body of all the funky stuff lurking in your system. Looking to amp up your energy? Fruit is low in fat and rich in carbs, so it will give you the charge you need to power through your workouts and your day.

Contrary to what you may have heard before, fruit will NOT make you fat. In fact, it's a great choice for weight loss. Fruit is made of natural sugar called fructose. This is not the same as sucrose or the high fructose corn syrup commonly found in processed and artificially sweetened foods. Those are the sugars to avoid if you want to feel and look your best . On the other hand, fruit could quite literally be nature's most perfect food. It's skillfully designed to be power packed with benefits. In fact, every fruit has a different super power. There's a fruit for every feeling and every healing. So what are you waiting for? Add more fruit to your diet and be amazed at the benefits.

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